U.S. Vietnam Dog Tags. "The real thing"
Make sure you select the year that is correct for you.
Via Flickr:
This "D" Ration is the cardboard box only for 10-1, WWII exact reproduction.
Shipped flat, die cut printed
High grade professedly printed boxes
Made in the U.S.A.
Each 10-in-1 and 5-in-1 meal contained 5 partial K rations for dinner. The Army felt that that the main components of the 10-in-1 rations would take a unit too long to try and fix for an afternoon lunch. Especially when troops were on the move. So they came up with a partial K-ration to be included. The partial K included the same types of items as the regular K-Rations. For menu 1 this included: 2 pkgs. biscuits, Candy, Lemon Juice Powder, Sugar, Gum, and a Can key (not a p-38).
These boxes were designed using original Quartermaster Specs dated August of '43. Using the same specs for dimensions as well as paper thickness. These have been professionally off set printed like the originals and cut and scored. Boxes are empty.
TO ORDER: http://www.aoarmysurplus.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=AO&Product_Code=RATION_D_1_BOX&Category_Code=USS
Always new items arriving at Adams Ordnance Military Surplus Store in Louisville KY from estate sales, international suppliers, collectors and consignments. We have US Army and WWII Nazi helmets, uniforms, pins, guns and gear. Many items are one of a kind. Visit www.aosurplus.com or call 502-599-8240 to check availability and store hours.
M1 Garand Rifle clips (30-06) now available. These are original U.S. G. I. made dating back to WWII. Several manufacturers marks. Currently we have 300 original clips in stock.
Price $1.50 each
Always new items arriving at Adams Ordnance Military Surplus Store in Louisville KY from estate sales, international suppliers, collectors and consignments. We have US Army and WWII Nazi helmets, uniforms, pins, guns and gear. Many items are one of a kind. Visit www.aosurplus.com or call 502-599-8240 to check availability and store hours.
M-1 Rifle clips Now in Stock!
M1 Garand Rifle clips (30-06) now available. These are original U.S. G. I. made dating back to WWII. Several manufacturers marks. Currently we have 300 original clips in stock.
"The greatest battle implement ever devised."
-- General George S. Patton, Jr.
Always new items arriving at Adams Ordnance Military Surplus Store in Louisville KY from estate sales, international suppliers, collectors and consignments. We have US Army and WWII Nazi helmets, uniforms, pins, guns and gear. Many items are one of a kind. Visit http://www.aosurplus.com/ or call 502-599-8240 to check availability and store hours.
The M1 Garand Rifle clips (30-06) now available at Adams Ordnance in Louisville, KY . These are original U.S. G. I. made. Many dating back to WWII.
Several manufacturers marks. Currently we have 300 original clips in stock.
Price $1.50 each
Always new items arriving at Adams Ordnance Military Surplus Store in Louisville KY from estate sales, international suppliers, collectors and consignments. We have US Army and WWII Nazi helmets, uniforms, pins, guns and gear. Many items are one of a kind. Visit www.aosurplus.com or call 502-599-8240 to check availability and store hours.
Feb 5-6, 2011 - Somerset, KY - (Kenny Woods Gun Show LLC) The Center Map (2292 S. Hwy 27) RK Shows 563-927-8176 email:kehrli8@n-connect.net
Feb 5-6, 2011 - Duluthj, MN - Gun & Knife Show.Duluth Convention Center, 350 Harbor Dr. (Exit 256B off I-35). Sp: Crocodile Productions, Inc.; www.crocodileproductionsinc.com ; PH: 763-754-7140
Feb 18-20, 2011 - Dos Palos, CA - Tunisia Movie Shoot
One Way Home - North Africa Movie Shoot, Wrap Party, and Public Demo
Friday, February 18, 2011 at 10:00am - Sunday, February 20, 2011 at 7:30pm
Eagle Field, Dos Palos, CA (Central California)
This is a movie shoot to sponsor the filming of the feature film "One Way Home," Produced by Aaron Ehlers and Chris "Woody" Woodal. The film is about the American 1st Infantry Division. People are needed to fill uniforms and equipment as extras for the filming. Saturday night a large party will be held to celebrate the completed filming of a project that has taken nearly three years to finish. During the party a public demonstration will be held for the party guests. Sunday a battle will be held for the reenactors. Food and shelter will be provided. Ammo will be provided for the filming. Please bring camping materials. No charge for this event. Vehicles will be greatly appreciated. If you have any questions please contact Aaron Ehlers at aaronehlers@sbcglobal.net.
FEBRUARY 24-27, 2011- Louisville, KY
1,622 Table International Militaria Show at the
Kentucky Exposition Center
South Wing B, I-264 at Exit 11 · I-65 at Exit 131-B
Contact: Ohio Valley Military Society, Inc.
P.O. Box 30436, Cincinnati, Ohio 45230-0436, USA
VOICE: 513-245-9540 · FAX: 513-245-9541 · E-MAIL: ovms@fuse.net
Feb 26-27, 2011 - Anoka, MN - Gun & Knife Show. Anoka Armory, 408 E. Main St. Sp: Crocodile Productions, Inc.; http://www.crocodileproductionsinc.com ; PH: 763-754-7140
Feb 26-27, 2011 - Louisiville, KY - 937 Phillips Jn., The Great Eastern Gun Show, Kentucky
Fair & Expo Center: Louisville, Kentucky, 2100 tables - Gun & JAG Military, Sat 9-5pm,
Sun 9-3pm, National Gun Day, P.O. Box 741, Oxford, Ohio
For more info visit www.AOSurplus.com